Membership in the 7 Celtic Nations Pipe Band

Membership in 7 Celtic Nations Pipe Band is open to anyone with a love for Scottish culture and music. Those interested in learning an instrument will find instructors qualified to teach all aspects of Pipe Band participation. 7CNPB is always looking for quality individuals to fill needs in the organization even if you can't carry a tune.

7 Celtic Nations Pipe Band is a 501(c)3 organization, and as such does not discriminate. Celtic culture and music was spread though out the world by the Scottish regiments serving in the British Army. Anyone with a love for the Celtic culture and music is welcome to join the band. We have both a competition band and a booster squad.

The competition band is comprised of musicians trained in or learning the Great Highland Bagpipe or drums. Most members of the band have experience with different pipe bands.


Kurt Hoeger,  Pipe Major

Michael Redding, Pipe Sergeant

Jean Hoeger, Piper

Doug McIlwain, Piper

Dwayne Severn, Piper

L.E. "Bob" Maxton, Piper

Niles Green -Piper

Dennis Rogers, Piper

Spencer Dicks, Piper

Grant Sines, Piper

Ed Montgomery, Piper

Jesse Bray, Piper






Lee Campbell, Drum Sergeant

Tommy Maher - Snare

Jenny MacIlwain - Tenor

Jaquiline Dicks - Tenor

Doug G Stephens - Bass

Robert Rez - Drumming Instructor







About us



For Hire


7 Celtic Nations Pipe Band